COVID-19: Walk Through Our Clinic to See Our Changes!
Front door:
We coordinate in advance with patients so that the front door is propped open. If the door is not, there is a sign encouraging people to use their body versus their hands. The door swings in & out. There is a sign on the coffee table: “Tissues Available For Door Handles To Bathroom”. We clean the door and chairs once you depart the waiting room area.
Waiting room:
We have spaced out the waiting room such that there is at least 6 feet between chairs. However, we are coordinating the schedule to minimize the number of patients in the waiting room at any one time.
Treatment rooms
We have rearranged the office such that we are isolating patients as much as possible to be treated in their designated treatment areas.
One of our cleaning stations
We have multiple cleaning stations around our office, included as part of our station: cleaning solution mixture of isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and water, alcohol wipes, gloves, hand sanitizer and paper towels. Our clinic is cleaned prior to and after each patient including any items used for therapy. Practitioners continue to wear gloves and masks. We are highly encouraging all patients to also wear masks during their treatments.
Our gym with exit door open
All patients following treatment will exit out the back door of the clinic to minimize foot traffic and promote directional flow.
Thank you all of our patients. We care about your wellbeing and safety during this time
In peace,
Michele Jang and The Spirit Winds family